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Millennium Group continues to be committed to carbon reduction and is determine to meet the 2050 carbon neutrality target.
Millennium Group
Environmental Vision 2050
The COP26 presidency concluded that we must accelerate climate action to keep the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Millennium Group is determine to meet the 2050 carbon neutrality target. We make long term investment to achieve this goal in the facilities.

Mobile Combustion
- Transform from Diesel to EV
- Regular vehicle and its air-con maintenance

Energy Saving
- Occupation control
- Switch on/off fixture
- LED light
- Clean air-conditioning filter regularly in factory
- Variable speed drive for chiller optimization
Renewable Energy
- Additional installation of solar power
- Sub-metering power monitoring

Business Travel
- Virtual meeting whenever possible

Environmental Vision

CarbonCare® Label
Carbon Care Asia, together with Carbon Care Innovation Lab, has verified Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emission level. They were extremely satisfied.
We were finally awarded the CarbonCare® Label in 2021.

Carbon Care

2021 "Carbon Care Label" Awarding Ceremony

Millennium, as a climate-focused and responsible supplier, will continue to spend effort to reduce carbon emission. We protect the environment, encourage social responsibility, corporate Governance and good business practices.
Generating Renewable Solar Power
Harvesting energy from Solar to generate electricity for office premise and factory
Dangerous Solid Waste Collection & Disposal
Dangerous Waste properly sampled and collected by approved recycler, complied to China National Safety Standard
Gas emission monitoring
Sensing element to measure exhaust gas concentration from Chimney, for example VOC, CO2 emission to atmosphere
Waste Water Treatment
Partnering with suppliers to meet environmental, regulatory and sustainability goals through industrial waste processing (Filtration, Bulk and Solid Bags, neutralized water chemically before exhaust from plant)
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